Feb 20, 2024 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit
When you look comfortable on camera, it makes your viewers feel comfortable as well. They can focus on your message, as opposed to your delivery. Conversely, if you appear awkward or nervous, viewers will be distracted. Comfort in front of the camera also conveys...
Oct 18, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Video Production and Post
Congratulations! You’re going on camera and you’ll be reading a script from a TelePrompter. If this is the first time you’ve done this, you probably have some questions. Like, what is a TelePrompter, anyway? A TelePrompter (Prompter for short) is a mirrored...
Jul 14, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
The usual components of a Personalized Video are video, audio, photo and graphics files selected and organized to marry up with data about a specific person’s interests. PennWest wanted something unusual. The new university is itself unusual, formed by a merger of...
Jun 16, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Video Production and Post
You’re going to be interviewed on camera. Whether you’re excited or terrified, you’re probably wondering what to wear. Here are five Dos and Don’ts to help you choose the perfect outfit. DO choose a favorite outfit you wear to work. It probably looks good on you,...
Mar 19, 2020 | Business, Education, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
A lot of our clients are asking how they can use video to communicate quickly and effectively during this crisis. Here are some video strategies for the COVID-19 crisis you can put to use right away. Many of them you can do yourself. If you need help, Allied Pixel is...
Aug 27, 2019 | Business, Education, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
YouTube is a convenient way to host videos. Many of our clients use it to embed videos on their websites. The biggest downside is that you have to contend with YouTube’s sometimes vexing copyright policy. If your video contains copyrighted music, for example,...