Feb 20, 2024 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit
When you look comfortable on camera, it makes your viewers feel comfortable as well. They can focus on your message, as opposed to your delivery. Conversely, if you appear awkward or nervous, viewers will be distracted. Comfort in front of the camera also conveys...
Jan 22, 2024 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Non profit
Pressure is growing on universities to meet a critical need: Providing transparent and reliable information about financial aid offers to students and their families. Spurred by a critical report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), 10 higher...
Dec 12, 2023 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Non profit
Please forgive my annual December indulgence of going off topic from the usual business. Last December I wrote about the virtues of small town America. This year, it’s gratitude. Sure, we all appreciate the big things in life – family, health, our jobs. But when I...
Dec 7, 2023 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
Personalized videos are a powerful tool that colleges use to attract new students and student-athletes. These videos are tailored to the individual viewer, providing them with only relevant data that corresponds to their particular situation. The use of personalized...
Nov 14, 2023 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Non profit, Video Production and Post
If Aristotle were alive today, he would make a great copywriter. He understood that impactful messages connect the storyteller and recipient in powerful ways. Aristotle believed a person can be persuaded if the message is credible, authentic and resonates with its...
Oct 11, 2023 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
Personalization is more than a trending marketing tactic. It is an important factor in any organization interacting successfully with its clients. Major brands have raced to embrace technologies that enhance a consumer’s engagement, create an emotional connection, a...