Zeroing-In on your brand, marketing your message to prospects the moment they have a need, and not only marketing to the community hoping that they’ll remember who you are when they need solutions, can be tricky. But, that’s what we all should be doing, right? It’s...
Clients sometimes ask me what color correction is, and why it’s important. Color correction, color balancing and color timing, is the art of manipulating the color of the film or video. Often times this is done to convey mood, bring attention to characters and...
The planning stage of any project is the most crucial phase. A good contractor would never begin construction on a house without some sort of blueprint. The same goes with video production. Everyone knows that a film or video usually starts with a script that...
Back in the Nineteen Seventies and Eighties, Fram had a series of ads for their oil filters that always used some variation on the tag line, “You can pay me now, or pay me later.” It’s a catchy little slogan, that illustrates what folks in business...
Some of you may know I ‘m a bit of a history buff, so the other day I was looking at the Kodak site and found out a bit of interesting information on the story of how 35 mm was selected for the first motion picture film. It seems that back in 1887 Reverend Hannaibal...
With the production hype machines rolling out the next big thing i.e. 4 K – a lot of people are asking why? We just got used to HD, what the heck do we need 4K for? There are no 4k displays to show it on anyway! What a stupid idea! “Au contraire mon frère.”...
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