Aug 11, 2022 | Education, General, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
A student’s choice of college can hinge on the answer to one question: How much financial aid will I get? Enrollment officials are keenly aware that the way they communicate this crucial information will influence the way it is received. That’s why an...
Jul 14, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Personalized Video, Video Production and Post
The usual components of a Personalized Video are video, audio, photo and graphics files selected and organized to marry up with data about a specific person’s interests. PennWest wanted something unusual. The new university is itself unusual, formed by a merger of...
Jun 16, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Healthcare, Live Webcasting, Non profit, Video Production and Post
You’re going to be interviewed on camera. Whether you’re excited or terrified, you’re probably wondering what to wear. Here are five Dos and Don’ts to help you choose the perfect outfit. DO choose a favorite outfit you wear to work. It probably looks good on you,...
Mar 15, 2022 | General, Video Production and Post
You don’t have to be a professional videographer to shoot video worthy of posting on your college or company website. Smart phone video capabilities become more sophisticated and simpler to use with each new release. But even if you don’t have the latest phone, you...
Feb 8, 2022 | Business, Education, General
Have you been happily watching your email open rates rise since September? Warning: I am about to burst your bubble. The reason may not be your prowess in writing can’t-miss-this subject lines. It’s likely due to Apple’s new Mail Protection Privacy...
Jan 11, 2022 | Business, Education, General, Personalized Video
Personalized Video makes use of data an organization has about its customers to create individualized videos. Instead of sending the same video to everyone on the list, Personalized Video makes it possible to send a unique video to each person on the list – a video...