Top high school athletes are bombarded with recruitment messages from colleges and universities. Like the recruiters who are reaching out, these athletes are seeking a strong fit. Both know their mutual interests are best served by alignment between the school’s offerings and the athlete’s interests. But what’s the best way for a school to show the athlete how well they are aligned?
For many schools, the standard first outreach is a mass-produced letter or email from the coach with a request to fill out a questionnaire. An athlete receiving a few of these may respond. But the most coveted athletes receive dozens or more. It can be overwhelming. Of necessity, these athletes are deciding which colleges merit a response based on little or no knowledge as to how well its offerings match their interests.
The process is ripe for disruption because it is not serving the mutual interests of recruiter and recruited in finding the right fit.
The disrupter is data-driven Personalized Video for athletic recruitment. Far from an impersonal form letter, Personalized Video creates instant 1:1 engagement by speaking to the prospective recruit’s specific athletic and academic interests while showing the university offerings that align.
Personalized Videos dynamically combine data about each athlete from the school’s FRONT RUSH, SLATE or other CRM system with existing photo/video assets to create hundreds or thousands of unique videos. They can be delivered in a batch to all potential recruits via email or they can be created on-demand when a potential recruit requests information. You can view a demo video here.
Videos are accompanied by call-to-action buttons that prompt the recipient to connect with coaches and take the next step in the recruitment process. Through a dashboard that Allied Pixel provides, colleges can receive immediate performance feedback, monitor each recipient’s engagement journey, and measure the R.O.I.

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