Each year we update our showreel with our most current work. We just finished the 2019 edition. It includes shots from 25 recent projects.
Our clients are often surprised to learn how many people work behind the scenes to bring their videos to life. So let me introduce you to some of our key players.

Cece Heckman, producer
Cece manages projects from start to finish and makes it look easy.

Patrick O’Donnell, writer
Patrick’s journalism background shines through on every script.

Dan Mendenhall, director of photography
Dan’s eye for the creative shot is unmistakable.

Alexa McCoog, assistant camera operator
Alexa is a key part of the camera department and operates the B and C cameras.

Kate Boshell, assistant camera operator
Kate is too, and also operates the B and C cameras.

Steve Carey, gaffer
Steve is the guy who comes up with those cool lighting setups.

Micah Shaffer, grip
Micah helps keep us on schedule by getting the equipment set up quickly.

Rick Wright, sound operator
Rick makes sure that our videos sound as good as they look.

Anna Laquintano, editor
Anna takes those hours of footage and turns them into engaging stories.

Josh Mackey, motion graphics artist.
Josh creates those snazzy animations and titles.

Jeff Gordon, sound designer
Jeff builds those lush soundtracks.

Pete Bretz, director of technology
Pete does the data wrangling and production of our Personalized Videos.

Ling Song, web developer
Ling builds out the web elements of our Personalized Videos.

Shirley Gay, office manager
Shirley keeps the train on the tracks here at Allied Pixel.

And me, executive producer
I give the team some direction and then let them do their magic.
I may be a tad biased, but I think this is the best team in the business : )
Here’s the reel.
Let’s get your video in next year’s reel.
P.S. Have a video topic you’d like to see discussed? Let me know and I’ll try to get to it in a future post.